Podcast Appearances

People in Transition

In this episode, I share several ideas on how you can find your next job easier and faster.

Focus On Customer Experience

Communication, transparency, and flexibility; all crucial topics in providing good internal and external customer experience.

I Am Refocused Radio Show

Learn how to identify your core workforce needs and how to take action to develop and drive projects. Including leadership, retention programs, and succession plans for your future.

Impostor Syndrome Files

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about what makes us decide whether or not to stay in our current roles or organizations.

Let’s Be Diverse

In this episode, Andrew chats with Anne Donovan, a human resources leader known for developing new programs and training that improve employee retention and leadership performance.

Positive Polarity

Dave Molenda and Anne Donovan unpack employee retention and how important it is to recognize your employees.

Let's Have This Conversation

Employee Turnover. It’s painful for any business. It’s especially painful for small businesses. Turnover is time-consuming and costly for small businesses. And I am on a mission to reduce employee turnover. For Anne Donovan, her passion is her purpose.

Find Your Leadership Confidence

The interview covers dispelling HR misconceptions, addressing HR challenges faced by small businesses, and the valuable advice Anne would give her younger self before starting her business. 

Leadership Powered by Common Sense

Our discussion centered on the critical topic of employee retention, a subject that Anne has dedicated over 20 years of her career to understanding and improving.

Executive Encore

Please join Anne and me as we follow her inspiring journey as she embraces humanity and courage in creating her Executive Encore Career encouraging you to do the same.

Beyond Hard Skills

In this episode, we're joined by Anne Donovan to uncover non-traditional methods that can make a significant impact on retaining top talent.

Creating a Great Candidate Experience

This seminar will help organizations identify their recruiting challenges and how to overcome them.